Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sonic Meditation

Every Tuesday morning for the past year, I have been taking the same yoga class at this wonderful studio called Wild Mountain Yoga.  The two women who own the studio are spectacularly shimmering know the bright(Oh, I like that term... I will use that one again)

A few months ago I became aware of some music blasting from the adjacent studio.  I asked my teacher what was going on next door and she said, "Oh, that's just Jai Dev's class," like it was common knowledge.   There was something about the music and the look on the people's faces, as they floated out of his class, that caught my attention.  They were very "yoga bright" and I was intrigued.

I kept thinking about the class, but I had two problems: first, it kind of scared me (actually it scared me a lot) and second,  I didn't want to be disloyal to my current teacher by taking his class.  Knowing her personality, I was fairly sure she wouldn't mind and would probably encourage me to try it, but I am often loyal to a fault, and the fear kept me from exploring.

As fate would have it, a substitute was teaching my usual class while my instructor was off at Burning Man.  The instant I saw the sub the voice in my head said, "Take Jai's class it will be fun."  Tentatively, I entered his studio, took the back corner spot, and waited anxiously for the class to begin.  Jai Dev entered the room in his full Kundalini splendor and welcomed me.  I had never taken a Kundalini class and was not sure what to expect...except loud music.

He began his class by stating: my intention today is that you all feel happier at the end of class than you were before you began it.  I liked the sound of that.  I mean who doesn't want to feel happier?  Ninety minutes later...I had sung my heart out, sweated profusely (just breathing and waving my arms), and was floating out of the room.  AMAZING!  (and really hard, but totally worth it)

The best part of the class, hands down, was the music.  Most of it was sung in sanskrit and accompanied by a sitar.  I found out later that the angelic voice was Jai Dev's wife, Simrit Kaur...her voice is simply divine (just look at her... the face matches the voice).  I went home and immediately downloaded her off of Itunes.  Since that day I have been playing one song compulsively every morning as I take my kids to school.  It is called, Long Time Sun, and I believe it sets a great intention and tone for our day.  It feels wonderful, too.

Now, when we get into the car my four year old daughter asks, "Are you going to play our morning song Mama?" My twelve year old son just grins, rolls his eyes, and laughs at his sister while we sing the 2.37 minute song.

Try it out and see if it brightens your day as much as it has ours.

Play it loud and belt it feels great!

*Elsie this blog is for you... because I know this song will fill your heart with joy and give you some much needed 'good news' everyday. 

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