Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Favorite Holiday Gifts

My favorite Bolga basket shape!
Each year when my family comes together for Christmas we enjoy a cool tradition of creating baskets of items filled with our favorite things from the past year.  The goal is to create a smattering of gifts which do not exceed $100-150 (It's like Oprah's favorite things on a budget). 

Examples of items range from books, mixed cd's, coffee beans, hand made crafts, water bottles, and kitchen gadgets...whatever new favorite we have discovered during the year.  The criteria is simple, anything that has made you say, "I love this...and I want to share it with everyone!"

Each family's basket rests under the tree.  After dinner we draw numbers and take turns picking baskets.  We trade and is really fascinating to see how this promotes connection among everyone, as they share their stories behind each item.  I love the way we feel closer after sharing a part of ourselves with each other.

For the next several weeks I will be blogging about some of the items that will be in my family's holiday basket this year starting with my...basket of course!

Not just any basket, but a handmade African Bolga basket.  I love these so much I have given them to most of my friends.  This love affair began eight years ago when my friend Deb waltzed into my house with her well worn Bolga, filled to the brim with everything a person would need to compete on Let's Make A Deal(Remember when Monty Hall would offer cash to the person who had a random item like toothpaste, safety pins, or a stick of gum)
Bolga's come in many beautiful colors and styles!
It was love at first sight...and lucky for me we have a store in my little town with the best selection of Bolga baskets I have ever seen...and here is the kicker they have the best prices, too!!!  You can purchase them at this random store on the corner of Broad and Pine Streets called Asylum Down, which is a far cry from Heidi Says Shoes on Fillmore Street... but you will learn I am an eclectic person, whether in my personal style, or spiritual choices, who can't be pegged to one way of being.

These baskets are great as a purse, diaper bag, book bag (my library card is even attached to the handle by a string), grocery bag, farmers' market bag, and general catch-all bag.  They are sturdy, easy to hold, and really cute when worn with a pair of jeans.  I have been stopped so many times on the streets of San Francisco and asked about my Bolga bag (sounds fancy, too) it is laughable.  I mean at 29 bucks it is the best deal in town.

Over the next few weeks with each blog I will add more items to my basket, and my goal is that by Christmas there will be a gift for everyone on my list and maybe yours, too.

Happy shopping...and do your best this holiday to shop matters!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Team Edward

Team Edward vs. Team Jacob

Elsie and I have been discussing the premiere of Breaking Dawn since this past summer, when she finally surrendered and read the Twilight Series.  I had been babbling on and on for months about how much I loved these books, so she finally indulged me.  (I hated to do it to her, but I feel better now that I have a partner in this ridiculous obsession).

Tonight we will be donning our "Team Edward" t-shirts, venture to the theater with all the other teens and forty something moms, and thoroughly enjoy Breaking Dawn Part 1! (The reviews have been really 'bad news'... but  like the other films, they just don't make any sense unless you've read the books and can fill in the gaps).

Afterwords, it's Cosmos...obsessing over every detail of the film...comparing it to the book...and dinner with my dear friend. 

The perfect evening!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Did I Say Edward's Name Out Loud?

Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen

What can I say?...these books have been 'great news' for my sex life!  Go figure, since there is no premarital sex, or really anything beyond hand holding and careful kissing, in these books (Edward has to restrain himself, or his super-vampire strength and passion might kill Bella).

These books are about first love and tap into the excitement of those feelings.  I jokingly told my husband if I call Edward's name out during sex, not to be offended.  He flippantly replied...who cares...I love these books!  

Enough said!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Unlikely Twilight Bonding

Several months ago as I was visiting with my old home school friends I found myself in a surprising conversation.

Two of the young men (to protect the innocent or blackmail potential later I am using only initials, but you know who you are: J and L)  and I were discussing books we were currently reading and L mentioned he had just finished New Moon.

Like anyone who is infected with Twilight fever, my eyes lit up...I was a giggling teenage girl again and L and I were grokking on all things Twilight.  There really isn't a lot I enjoy more than sharing and discussing a book or a movie that I love.  L jumped right in with me and we did not stop talking until his mom finally said it was time to leave.

From that day forward an unlikely friendship developed between us that I did not see coming.  He has reached out to me a number of times to help him edit his own novel, and discuss other books we both love (can you say Hunger Games)

Recently, L and his family were traveling across the country and his parents were cool enough to take him to Forks, Washington (the setting of the Twilight series).  To my complete surprise and delight L sent me a Twilight mug and a map of Forks! (I am drinking coffee from the mug as I write this blog...I love it!)  

What I discovered through reading these books is that they bond me to the most unlikely people.  For instance...the lady I connected with in line at the movies the other day (she had at least 6 piercings in her face, tattoos, and pink hair... that is the "unlikely" I am talking about).  She was buying her tickets to the premiere of Breaking Dawn and while she was a little embarrassed to tell me what she was quickly faded when I said, "Oh, I get it...I will be there, too!"  We then went on to discuss other books we loved, and our excitement over the upcoming event. 

It is so much fun to share and connect over a common interest.  I just can't believe how many teens to forty-year-old women I have bonded with over these books...Stephenie Meyer's truly tapped into something here. 

More Twilight revelations on Thursday!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Twilight Fever

If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would be obsessed with a book series about werewolves and vampires, my response would have been..."Are you f***ing kidding me?"

What can I say?  Stephenie Meyer's had me by page 5 (and it all started so innocently).

It was August 2010 and my kids asked to rent the movie New Moon, based on the second novel in the 4 book series.

"Sure...but are YOU sure?" I asked.  "They look kind of cheesy," I added to emphasize my disdain over the proposition.

After watching this movie I was more convinced than ever that the fans had lost their minds.  The movies were so weird and campy...I just didn't get it.

I was explaining my review of the movie to a friend when the strangest thing happened...her eyes lit up, her postured changed, and her mood shifted to that of a giggling teenager.  She exclaimed, "Those books are amazing!  I couldn't put them have to read the books to get the movies...and then they are really fun."

"REALLY?"  I asked incredulously.

"REALLY!!!  Trust me on this will love them," she responded with unbridled passion.

I was confident she was wrong. To prove my point I felt it was my duty to read the first book to back up my belief that she and millions of others were delusional.  Well...the joke was on me because not only was I hooked, but I couldn't get enough!

(Now this next part is a little embarrassing... but since I've discussed my weight with you publicly, why hold back now?)

From August 2010 through March 2011 I read each book a minimum of 5 times, and logged 7 reads of Breaking Dawn (excluding the Jacob part...which I often skipped over).  Can you say obsessed?  I was close to needing a 12 step program...but finally I burned out and stopped reading them and now I am just a typical fan.

In honor of the Breaking Dawn (Part 1) premiere on November 18, 2011... for the next week I will be sharing all the 'good news' I have received from this odd series of books and movies.  Get ready... some of my revelations might shock you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Icon of Hair

I just watched a fabulous documentary film about the creator of the asymmetrical bob, Vidal Sassoon.  He gets my iconoclast recognition for his ability to not only excel in his work, but also in his body, mind, and spirit.  He is truly an inspirational and revolutionary man. (but, I don't think I would want to work for'll get my drift if you watch the film)

Ever since I heard Terri Gross interview him on Fresh Air, I have been waiting for this movie to hit Netflix.  I have had it in my queue for months and a few Saturdays ago, as I was trolling instant play (you know how I love instant play), I was shocked to find it in my inbox.  Immediately I sat down with a cup of coffee and settled in for the film. (10 pauses later... I was!)

There was so much I did not know about this man...that he was married three times... to his gut wrenching childhood.  I knew he was a perfectionist, but to what level, I had no idea.

The above picture is of Vidal and Mary Quant (she invented the mini-skirt) as he is giving her his iconic Five Point hair style.

Shout out to Craig Teper, the film's director, who shot a beautiful, moving, and inspirational documentary...well done!

Vidal's life inspired me to do more, be more and keep following my heart.  Love that!  Now that is what I call 'good news.'

Bucket List Item:  I would love to have Vidal cut my hair- just one time.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Good News...Not So Good News...Good News

You can purchase a great selection of Shannon Martin's hilarious cards at JJ Jackson's!

Well, it seems the body frame calculator I referred to in my last blog was not accurate.  It measured the wrist in feet, not inches, giving everyone a large frame reading.

So...I did more trolling on the internet and found a better, more reliable site called:  Health StatusHealth Check Systems is still the right site for determining your accurate body weight. (Teresa...your read is still correct- I doubled check it for you)

'Good news' I figured it out quickly and let you know.

Not so 'good news'...I am a medium framed person, which makes my goal weight 139-153 (meaning I have a lot of work to do on my end...pun intended)

'Good news'...better to find out now and not be in "La La Land" any longer.  (also, before I was in my husband's target weight zone, which felt kind of weird)

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for all the support.  I also updated the original blog with the accurate links.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Weigh or Not To Weigh?

For years I have ridden the roller coaster of dieting and trying to find the ability to maintain a clothing size that makes me feel good.  My closet is a Greek tragedy of sizes spanning a range from 6 to 14...very disappointing and expensive.  One thing I know for sure is that four of my closest friends, who have not ridden the crazy diet train...all have one thing in common...they weigh daily.

I have avoided the scale like the plague, convincing myself that if I wasn't 130 lbs I wasn't there yet (please note I am 5'9" and the last time I weighed 130 lbs I was in junior high school)  I wasn't even that skinny on my wedding day (I was 137 lbs and someone asked me if I was anorexic).  So, that is the crazy I am talking about.  The rational side of me knows this number is both ridiculous and unrealistic, but that ideal kept me from weighing for years.

Here is the kicker...while doing some research last week I realized that not only is 130 lbs crazy, but it is not even in my target zone.  I spent some time trolling the internet to find some resources that could help me identify my ideal weight and found Health Check Systems, and what I discovered was very surprising, if not a little depressing.  Apparently I have spent most of my life in my ideal weight zone without even knowing it.

In order to get your ideal number you must first determine whether your are a small, medium or large framed person.  You do this by measuring your wrist and height, then enter those numbers at Health Status, which will determine your body frame size.  Once you have that you can find your optimal weight range at Health Check Systems.

Thanks Gary for this one!
Now I am convinced that the scale could be my best friend...if I let it.  Liberated with new information I am willing to face my body image issues head-on, which means rethinking the dreaded numbers that I see when stepping on the scale.  A variance of a pound or two a day is a lot easier to manage than letting it sneak into the crisis range of 15 - 20 lbs.  Daily maintenance may be a lasting means to getting off the roller coaster of disappointment and self-loathing.

So here it is...I'm scared to start the process and see my current number...worried that it will make me feel upset, angry, and defeated.  My inner voice encourages me to try.  Hmmm... I find myself facing a familiar choice: FEAR or FAITH?  Knowing this has worked effectively for four women I really respect, I choose faith, and will try it for one month.

The 'good news' here is it might be the thing I have been praying for all these years.  Worst case, I cry a little or a lot.  Anyone who wants to join me can email me at and we can support each other through this experiment.

Thank you Lo for all your loving support (through my up's and down's...literally) and for encouraging me to try... and most importantly for convincing me 130 lbs is not my number which led me to my real number somewhere between 149-170 have I been off!

I will weigh in on my findings in a month.

In another act of faith (and by popular demand) I have added the comment section to my blog... in an effort to open up the conversation among my amazing followers.