I often joke with people that Gwyneth Paltrow is my movie-star-best-friend...it's kind of like the secret friend I had as a kid (Mr. Magoo...if you must know) because I am the only one who knows about it. Gwyneth is my most recent celebrity bestie because I think she would be pretty cool to hang out with. I mean have you seen her website GOOP? OMG it is unbelievable and so inspiring... I don't know where she gets the time to research all this stuff. I know...I know she probably has a staff of 20 people, a full-time nanny and, of course, her personal trainer Tracy Anderson, but still it is impressive.
But, the clincher was when Gwyneth was on Glee there was no denying the connection. When she nailed Cee Lo Green's song "Forget You" I was hooked. She is fearless, fabulous, and kind. Her website is a great example of her true spirit because she is constantly uplifting and supporting her friends, and their inspired ideas. I appreciate the example she has set for me when I think about what I want my blog to be.
Before Gwyneth it was Jennifer Aniston. I have loved Jenn since Friends...Rachel was my favorite character by a long shot. I think it was around the time of her divorce that she became my movie-star-best-friend because I just felt like she needed all the support she could get. I actually wept when I heard about the divorce...crazy I know, but true. Now, that she seems to be doing well I feel it is all right to move on. Plus, she has a whole posse of friends and really doesn't need me anymore.
Jenn held the title for a good 5 years, but my all-time longest movie-star-best-friend goes to Julia Roberts who held the spot since 1990 when I saw her play Vivian in Pretty Woman. I mean who doesn't want a hooker for a best friend? What can I say about Julia that has not been said before except I find her crazy obnoxious laugh infectious. She gets prettier every year and makes getting older not look so scary. In fact, I think all three of these amazing women are aging quite gracefully.
So, I am curious... am I the only one silly enough to claim to have an imaginary movie-star-best-friend? Come on...tell me who yours is or tell me who it would be if you could choose just one. (just email me at: c@cjblake.net and I promise to keep your secret)
Also, check out GOOP it is really fun and even though I can't afford most of the things she suggests I find her passion contagious. She has inspired me to push past my own fears and grow. I mean what else could you ask for from a friend?
P.S. Don't worry, Julia and Jenn still hold a special place in my heart and have both been placed in my Celebrity Friends Hall of Fame.
Thanks to all my followers public and private who have supported me so wholeheartedly. Your kind words of encouragement and emails have touched me deeply. Many of you have asked me to add a comment section and I am thinking about it...probably a FEAR or FAITH issue again! I know I just have to have faith that it will be a positive addition to the site and bring more joy to this adventure. I will get back to you soon on this topic or a comment section will just appear one day.
I hope you enjoyed another edition of Frilly Friday. My goal each Friday is to send you into the weekend with fun and frivolity.
The best way to follow me is by email. Just enter your email address in the Follow me by email box (above right hand corner) and you will receive a update when I have a new post. See you all Monday with more music for the soul. Have a great weekend and may you be blessed with 'good news.' C
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